
Adrian Gonciarz

Passionate Tester with experience in various project as an engineer, lead and manager. Currently proud member of Collective Sense team as senior QA engineer working with frontend components. Co-organizer of biggest polish software testers’ meetup – KraQA and a visiting lecturer for Vistula University in Warsaw. Testing Cup 2016 Team Championship winner.

Caught in the Net – playing with data for testing Networks

In the presentation we will present our solution for generating test data in a network security/performance analysis system we work on – Collective Sense (https://collective-sense.com). Our everyday QA team duties require using real and fake network traffic data in order to verify system behavior under different circumstances. Since we use latest technologies (like No-SQL database, nano-message queues) this is non-trivial task and requires lot of effort in order to generate required test data. We were able to finally come up with Python solutions for both: generating real traffic in end-to-end tests and simulate data collectors from specially prepared Docker container.
What difficulties we’ve encountered? What we learned? How you can improve your test process and avoid our mistakes? It will all be there!

Język prezentacji (Presentation language): polski (Polish)
Poziom słuchaczy (attendee level): doświadczony (senior)